The Manhattan Chic Chick Friends
Meet your most compatible friends, based on personality types!

Directions: Please fill out your name, email address and profile name. There are 4 sections each with 7 questions. Choose the answer that describes how you would naturally act, not how you would act at work (or in any stressful situation). Make sure to fill out the quiz completely.

Full Name:
Email Address:
Chic Chick Profile Name:

Section 1 (Choose either A or B)
Question 1:
A. Are you more comfortable constantly expanding your social network?
B. Are you more resistant to new relationships, but value your deep friendships and small network?
Question 2:
A. Do you prefer spending your time with other people to re-charge your energy?
B. Do you enjoy time alone to re-charge and place importance on privacy?
Question 3:
A. Do you prefer to learn many new things in less depth?
B. Do prefer to learn fewer things in more depth?
Question 4:
A. Do you prefer to speak more and expend your energy?
B. Do you prefer to listen more and prevent your energy from being drained?
Question 5:
A. Do you focus mostly in the outside world around you?
B. Do you focus mostly on the world inside of yourself?
Question 6:
A. Do you tend to compete with others?
B. Do you tend to compete with yourself?
Question 7:
A. Do you feel energized in a crowd?
B. Do you feel exhausted in a crowd?
Section 2 (Choose either A or B)
Question 1:
A. Are you more aware of the current situation around you?
B. Are you more aware of possibilities that may occur in the future?
Question 2:
A. Do you notice the details of what is going on right now?
B. Do you notice the general concept or theme?
Question 3:
A. Are you more tactical and focused on specific actions?
B. Are you more conceptual and focused on general overall strategy?
Question 4:
A. Do you tend to pay attention to the practical concerns and forget future possibilities?
B. Do you tend to pay attention to future possibilities and forget practical concerns?
Question 5:
A. Do you focus more on "what is"?
B. Do you focus more on "what could be"?
Question 6:
A. Do you dislike theory that doesn't apply directly to the present moment?
B. Do you enjoy learning theories for their own sake?
Question 7:
A. Do you usually appear grounded in reality?
B. Do you usually appear somewhat distracted or off in the clouds?
Section 3 (Choose either A or B)
Question 1:
A. Do you talk more about objective things, facts, and enjoy playing "devil's advocate"?
B. Do you talk more about subjective things like people's reactions, situations and feel that arguing for fun could harm a relationship?
Question 2:
A. Are you more concerned with something being true or false?
B. Are you more concerned with something being right or wrong?
Question 3:
A. When you try to persuade someone, do you focus on the facts?
B. When you try to persuade someone, do you focus on how the situation will impact people?
Question 4:
A. Are you more confident discussing objective, logic-based things?
B. Are you more comfortable discussing subjective, emotion-based things?
Question 5:
A. Do you avoid talking about emotions?
B. Do you avoid talking about logic?
Question 6:
A. Would you rather be described as realistic, but sometimes too cold/hard?
B. Would you rather be described as caring, but sometimes too warm/soft?
Question 7:
A. Is it sometimes difficult to grasp how you are expected to act socially?
B. Is it usually easy to grasp how you are expected to act socially?
Section 4 (Choose either A or B)
Question 1:
A. Do you prefer a spontaneous life?
B. Do you prefer a planned life?
Question 2:
A. Would you prefer to keep a plan open-ended and feel "boxed in" by plans set in stone?
B. Would you prefer to have a plan clearly decided first - you can always change it later?
Question 3:
A. Do you not mind changing your plans if something new comes up?
B. Do you prefer to stick to the plan?
Question 4:
A. Do your moods change frequently, but last a short amount of time?
B. Do your moods change less frequently, but last longer?
Question 5:
A. Can you handle distractions and even enjoy them?
B. Do distractions throw you off and make it difficult to complete your task?
Question 6:
A. Is a weakness of yours being too indecisive?
B. Is a weakness of yours being too rigid?
Question 7:
A. Does the idea of a 5-year plan sound like a bad idea? You can't plan for everything.
B. Does the idea of a 5-year plan make sense to you? It's best to be prepared.

Personality Type Calculated Below:

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